Lurgan Township
8650 McClays Mill Road
Newburg, PA 17240

Robert L. Boyd ~ 717-729-1438

George F. Durf, Jr. ~ 717-729-1448

Lawrence C. Kolb, Jr. ~ 717-552-7855
Vice Chairman/Supervisor

Jo Anna (Josie) Miller ~ 717-532-7460
Secretary/Treasurer/ Open Records Officer

Ellen Forrester ~ 717-360-6232
Tax Collector

Vincent C. Elbel ~ 717-263-6120
Sewage Enforcement

Demaree Deardorff - Auditor (Chairman)
Barb Davis Auditor (Secretary)
Frank Zimmerman Auditor
Main Menu

Township Supervisors Meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Township Office Building.
All are welcome to attend.

Phone: (717) 532-7460
Fax:     (717) 532-7816
Office Hours:
Monday thru Thursday 
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon